The story of The Super Mario Bros. on their journey through the Mushroom Kingdom
A Brooklyn plumber named Mario travels through the Mushroom Kingdom with a princess named Peach and an anthropomorphic mushroom named Toad to find Mario's brother, Luigi, and to save the world from a ruthless fire-breathing Koopa named Bowser.
Directors: Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic
Writer: Matthew Fogel (screenplay)
Stars: Chris Pratt (voice), Anya Taylor-Joy (voice), Charlie Day (voice), Jack Black (voice)
Running time: 1hr 32mins
Certificate: U
Sun 30 April
Doors: 2pm
Film: 2.30pm
Adults: £3.50
Under 16’s: £3.50
Doors open 30 minutes before film starts. There will be no trailers, films starts promptly at advertised time.
Accessibility: Hearing Loop? YES Audio Description? NO