Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera, Disney and Pixar’s original feature film “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, Alberto, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water’s surface.
Director: Enrico Casarosa
Writers: Enrico Casarosa, Jesse Andrews, Simon Stephenson
Stars: Jacob Tremblay, Jack Dylan Grazer, Emma Berman
Running time: 1hr 35mins
Certificate: U
Sun 7 April
Doors: 2pm
Film: 2.30pm
Adults: £11.00
Under 16’s: £4.00
Doors open 30 minutes before film starts. There will be no trailers, films starts promptly at advertised time.
Accessibility: Hearing Loop? YES Audio Description? NO